
The Rapex--What's Next?

The Rapex is an anti-rape device for women. It claims to not only prevent rape but also identify the attacker. It is shaped like a female condom and is lined with 25 razor sharp teeth. Upon penetration it is fastened onto an attacker's penis. It can only be removed medically.

Now while this may seem like a great solution to an ever growing problem, I'm not so sure it's quite reasonable. Unless every women wore it at all times, preventing a rape it won't. It sure would stop it awful damn quick which is better than nothing I suppose. Not to mention identification and prosecution would be a lot less difficult and tramatic.

Unfortunately, I am afraid it's still one of those "it's great in theory, but quite lacking in application" moments.

1 comment:

sansanity said...

yeah, i'd forget and i'm sure having something like the jaws of life clamp down on his penis after you have made him wait for like 23 days because you don't want to rush things, would insure that you won't be getting the "wow that was great, when can i see you again" phone call the next morning.

or the only tampon available would be an applicator-less OB and i'd have to get it surgically removed from my finger.

not to mention if you forget it could ruin a perfectly good battery operated boyfriend. (imagine me rushing into the ER with my boytoy (pun intended) wrapped in a blanket with the jaws of life snapped on his head screaming for them to save my baby)

oh oh i just had another thought but i ma going to bite my tongue (hehe!)